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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Working with Internal Tables

This is only an overview of  internal table operations. Use the SAP on-line help to get further details.

Append 2 tables with identical structure

All rows: append lines of  itab1 to itab2

Subset of rows:  append lines of  itab1 from <rowno> to <rowno> to itab2

Check if there are any entries in an internal table

If you don't need to know the number of entries in the table, but only wants to know if there are any entries at all

if itab[] is initial.........

instead of using describe table.

Copy an internal table to another internal table

Note: The tabels must have exactly the structure

itab2[] = itab2[]

Delete lines

Deleting a single line

read table itab
  with key name = 'My name'
  into wa_itab.
if sy-subrc = 0.
  delete itab.

Deleting all lines

refresh itab.

If you also want to free the mamory taken up by the table, use FREE instead of REFRESH

Deleting a subset

This can be done in a loop, but it is better to do it this way:

delete itab where name = 'My name'.

Remember that you can also use wildcards. E.g. if you want to delete all name statinmg with 'A':

delete itab where name = 'A*'.   

Delete duplicate entries in internal table after sort

To delete all duplicate entries from a sorted internal table (e.g. just after SORT), you can use the



You can use the COMPARING adition to limit the fields that are used to test for duplicate entries e.g.

SORT i_tab by matnr werks logort.

All duplicates withe same combination of matnr and werks will be deleted.

Modify line of internal table

modify itab from wa_itab.

modify itab from wa_itab transporting <field1> <field2>

Summarize data into an internal table

Syntax: COLLECT [wa INTO] itab.

Note: You can only use COLLECT if all of the tables non-key fields are numeric ( Type I, P, F) 

The collect command summarizes all numerical fields (Type I, P, F) that are not part of the key into an internal table. The level of summarization is determined by the table key which can be both numerical and non numerical.  After using the COLLECT command you will have a table with unique keys


REPORT zcollect.

  BEGIN OF t_mytype,
    key_c(10) TYPE c,
    key_n(10) TYPE n,
    key_i     TYPE i,
    number    TYPE i,
  END OF t_mytype.

  gi_mytable TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_mytype
     WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY key_c key_n key_i,
  wa_mytable TYPE t_mytype.


  CLEAR wa_mytable.
  wa_mytable-key_c = '10'.
  wa_mytable-key_n = '25'.
  wa_mytable-key_i = 5.
  wa_mytable-number = 400.
  COLLECT wa_mytable INTO gi_mytable.

  CLEAR wa_mytable.
  wa_mytable-key_c = '10'.
  wa_mytable-key_n = '25'.
  wa_mytable-key_i = 5.
  wa_mytable-number = 500.
  COLLECT wa_mytable INTO gi_mytable.

  CLEAR wa_mytable.
  wa_mytable-key_c = '11'.
  wa_mytable-key_n = '30'.
  wa_mytable-key_i = 6.
  wa_mytable-number = 200.
  COLLECT wa_mytable INTO gi_mytable.

  CLEAR wa_mytable.
  wa_mytable-key_c = '11'.
  wa_mytable-key_n = '30'.
  wa_mytable-key_i = 6.
  wa_mytable-number = 900.
  COLLECT wa_mytable INTO gi_mytable.

  CLEAR wa_mytable.
  wa_mytable-key_c = '11'.
  wa_mytable-key_n = '30'.
  wa_mytable-key_i = 7.
  wa_mytable-number = 100.
  COLLECT wa_mytable INTO gi_mytable.


  LOOP AT gi_mytable INTO wa_mytable.
    WRITE: / wa_mytable-key_c,



10         0000000025          5         900   

11         0000000030          6       1.100   
11         0000000030          7         100   

If you remove key_i from the table key the result will be:

10         0000000025         10         900   
11         0000000030         19       1.200   

5 ABAP Tips: Working with Internal Tables This is only an overview of  internal table operations. Use the SAP on-line help to get further details. Append 2 tables with identical ...

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