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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Using a checkbox in a report

In a report you can use a checkbox to select one ore more records.

* Define field for the checkbox 
data markfield(1) type c value space.
* Define filed for counting line numbers
data lineno type i.

* Writing the report with a checkbox  
  write: /   markfield as checkbox,   

* Reading the lines and cehcking if the line has been checked

lineno = 0.
* Counting the line numbers
 lineno = lineno + 1.

*                Read the value of markfield
 read line lineno field value markfield.

*                Test for end of report
 if sy-subrc ne 0. exit. endif.

* If the value of the checkbox is X ( The checkbox is checked) the read
* the rest of the fields of the report line into the internal table itab.
 if markfield = 'X'.
    read current line field value i_ejitabel-zzbukrs into itab   

          i_ejitabel-zzsaknr into itab.  

5 ABAP Tips: Using a checkbox in a report In a report you can use a checkbox to select one ore more records. * Define field for the checkbox data markfield(1) type c value space. *...

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