The problem with formating of amount arises beceause the decimal point and thouasnd seperators depends on the user settings.Use the subroutines below to format the amount correctly.
p_amount = '5.000,25'. PERFORM format_amount USING p_amount CHANGING l_formatted_amount. If the decimal point is '.' then l_formatted_amount will be: 5000.25 FORM format_amount USING p_amount CHANGING p_formatted_amount. DATA: l_thousand_sep(1) TYPE c, l_decimal_point(1) TYPE c. PERFORM get_seperators CHANGING l_thousand_sep l_decimal_point. WRITE p_amount TO p_formatted_amount. * Remove decimals if they are 0, to avoid problems with * currencies without decimals IF p_formatted_amount CA l_decimal_point. SHIFT p_formatted_amount RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space. SHIFT p_formatted_amount RIGHT DELETING TRAILING '0'. SHIFT p_formatted_amount RIGHT DELETING TRAILING l_decimal_point. ENDIF. * Remove 1000 seperators DO 5 TIMES. REPLACE l_thousand_sep WITH ' ' INTO p_formatted_amount. CONDENSE p_formatted_amount NO-GAPS. ENDDO. WRITE p_formatted_amount TO p_formatted_amount RIGHT-JUSTIFIED. ENDFORM. " format_amount * Get decimal point and thousand seperator FORM get_seperators CHANGING p_thousand_sep p_decimal_point. DATA: l_amount LIKE bseg-dmbtr, l_amount_string(15) TYPE c. * Find 1000 seperator. If decimal seperator = . then * 1000 seperator = , else 1000 seperator = . l_amount = '1.00'. WRITE l_amount TO l_amount_string. IF l_amount_string CS ','. p_thousand_sep = '.'. p_decimal_point = ','. ELSE. p_thousand_sep = ','. p_decimal_point = '.'. ENDIF. ENDFORM.
perform format_quantity using MyGsmng changing menge_string. form format_quantity using p_gsmng changing p_gsmng_string. data: l_thousand_SEPERATOR(1) type c. perform GET_THOUSAND_SEPERATOR changing l_thousand_SEPERATOR. * Remove thousand seperator write p_gsmng to p_gsmng_string. replace l_thousand_SEPERATOR with ' ' into p_gsmng_string. condense p_gsmng_string no-gaps. endform. " format_quantity form get_thousand_seperator using p_sep. data: l_amount like bseg-dmbtr, l_amount_string(15) type c. * Find 1000 seperator. If decimal seperator = . then * 1000 seperator = , else 1000 seperator = . l_amount = '1.00'. write l_amount to l_amount_string. if l_amount_string cs ','. p_sep = '.'. else. p_sep = ','. endif. endform. " GET_THOUSAND_SEPERATOR
When you enter a date on line, the SAP system will verify the user input with the date format setup. If the date format is set to'YYYY/MM/DD', then the system will reject a user input '1997-09-12'. For batch input, the date format setup is not available any more,
what format should we use for a date field? Should it be 'YYYYMMDD'?
The other thing to remember is that the batch input uses the user's
default profile as the date it expects. Make sure the BATCHUSER format is identical to the one your program is expecting or it will generate an
error when you are processing updates.
You can get the appropriate date format by calling the function module ''DATUMSAUFBEREITUNG''. Make sure that the user who process the session has the same date format.
idate = MyDate
tdat8 = MyDateString
datfm_ungueltig = 1
datum_ungueltig = 2
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
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