Example 1
In this exanmple the name of a table control isd substituted by a field
symbol. Thus you cal call the form with any internal table, using the name of
the tablæe control as a parameter. form insert_row
using p_tc_name.
field-symbols <tc> type cxtab_control. "Table control
assign (p_tc_name) to <tc>.
* insert 100 lines in table control
<tc>-lines = 100.
Example 2
TYPES: BEGIN OF st_mytable, name1 TYPE string, name2 TYPE string, age TYPE i, END OF st_mytable. DATA: gi_mytable TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF st_mytable, g_mytable TYPE st_mytable. *------------------------------ * Define field symbols *------------------------------ FIELD-SYMBOLS: <myfield1> TYPE ANY, <myfield2> TYPE ANY, <myfield3> TYPE ANY, <myline> TYPE ANY. *------------------------------ * Fill table with data *------------------------------ g_mytable-name1 = 'John'. g_mytable-name2 = 'Johnson'. g_mytable-age = 25. APPEND g_mytable TO gi_mytable. g_mytable-name1 = 'Claudio'. g_mytable-name2 = 'Jensen'. g_mytable-age = 45. APPEND g_mytable TO gi_mytable. *------------------------------ * The normal way to do it *------------------------------ LOOP AT gi_mytable INTO g_mytable. WRITE: / g_mytable-name1, g_mytable-name2 ,g_mytable-age. ENDLOOP. SKIP 2. *------------------------------ * Do it with field symbols *------------------------------ LOOP AT gi_mytable ASSIGNING <myline>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE <myline> TO <myfield1>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE <myline> TO <myfield2>. ASSIGN component 3 OF STRUCTURE <myline> TO <myfield3>. WRITE: / <myfield1>,<myfield2>,<myfield3>. ENDLOOP. *------------------------------ * Unassign field symbols *------------------------------ UNASSIGN <myfield1>. UNASSIGN <myfield2>. UNASSIGN <myfield3>. UNASSIGN <myline>.
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