When using control levels with an internal table, remember to sort the internal table in accordance with the control levels, and the fields in the table must occur in the same order as you sort the table.In the example below, carrid must be the first field in the table
When you use control levels the SUM statement can be used to generate totals.
Every control level statement end with ENDAT
Important: The fields in the internal table must be in the same order as the sort order.
Remember to place the control levels in the following order:
- at new xxxx
- write detail line
- at end of xxxx
Control levels
- AT NEW xxx
- AT END OF xxx
sort itab by bukrs. loop at itab. * Heading for every bukrs at new bukrs. write: / itab-bukrs. endat. * Detail line write: / itab-bukrs. * Totals per bukrs at end of bukrs * Sum all variables of type P and I sum. uline. write: / 'Total bukrs', itab-bukrs. uline. endat. * Grand totals at last. sum. write: / 'Grand total', itab-bukrs. endat. endloop.
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