With the recording function SAP automatically cazn genererate the BDC table.
- Find the transaction code for the screen that you wan't to record
- Open transaction SM35 - Batch Input
- Push the button Recording
- In the Recording screen, enter then name you want to give the recording, anmd push the Create button
- You will now be prompted for the transaction code. Enter the transaction code. Push the enter button. You are now in the screen where you enter the transactions.
- Enter transactions as normal, and leave the transaction when finished.
- You will now hen se an overview of the recording.
- Save the recording.
- Go back
- Push the Overview ( Mountain) button, to se the recording.
- You can know generate a program (push the Generate program button ) or create a session ( Push the Create session button ).
- If you have created a session, go back to the initial screen of SM35 and push the Overview button.
- Select your batch input session, and process it either in back- or foreground.
Example of program for Batch Input and Call Transaction
This example shows how to use Call Transaction. If Call Transaction fails, a batch input session is created. DATA: BEGIN OF BDC_TAB OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE BDCDATA. DATA: END OF BDC_TAB. FORM Create_Transaction. * Table for messages from call transaction. The table is automatically * filled with messags from call transaction. DATA BEGIN OF messtab OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcmsgcoll. DATA END OF messtab. REFRESH bdc_tab. * Create new dynpro PERFORM bdc_newdynpro USING 'SAPML03T' '101'. * Insert fields PERFORM bdc_field USING 'LTAK-BWLVS' w_screen1000-io_bwls. PERFORM bdc_field USING 'LTAP-MATNR' w_screen1000-io_matnr. PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RL03T-ANFME' w_tmpstr. PERFORM bdc_field USING 'LTAP-CHARG' w_screen1000-io_charg. PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=TAM'. ................. And much more of the same .................. **** Use this part if you want to use call transaction * Call the transaction. Messages from Call Transaction are stored in the * internal table messtab CALL TRANSACTION 'LT01' USING bdc_tab MODE 'N' UPDATE 'S' MESSAGES INTO messtab. IF sy-subrc = 0. * Call transaction successfull, get the number of the Transfer Order that * was created LOOP AT messtab. IF messtab-dynumb = '0104' AND messtab-msgnr = '016'. w_transportorderno = messtab-msgv1. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. * Call transaction failed, create a batch input session instead. PERFORM open_group. PERFORM bdc_insert USING 'LT01'. PERFORM close_group. ENDIF. ENDFORM. Here are the strandard forms used for call transaction and batch input ******************************************************************* * Starts a new screen ******************************************************************* FORM bdc_newdynpro USING program dynpro. CLEAR bdc_tab. bdc_tab-program = program. bdc_tab-dynpro = dynpro. bdc_tab-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND bdc_tab. ENDFORM. ******************************************************************* * Inserts a field in bdc_tab ******************************************************************* FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval. CLEAR bdc_tab. bdc_tab-fnam = fnam. bdc_tab-fval = fval. APPEND bdc_tab. ENDFORM. ******************************************************************* * Opens group ******************************************************************* FORM open_group. CALL FUNCTION 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP' EXPORTING client = sy-mandt * DEST = FILLER8 group = 'ZSM02' * HOLDDATE = FILLER8 keep = 'X' user = sy-uname * RECORD = FILLER1 * IMPORTING * QID = EXCEPTIONS client_invalid = 1 destination_invalid = 2 group_invalid = 3 group_is_locked = 4 holddate_invalid = 5 internal_error = 6 queue_error = 7 running = 8 system_lock_error = 9 user_invalid = 10 OTHERS = 11. ENDFORM. ******************************************************************* * Closes group ******************************************************************* FORM close_group. CALL FUNCTION 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP' EXCEPTIONS not_open = 1 queue_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDFORM. ******************************************************************* * BDC_INSERT ******************************************************************* FORM bdc_insert USING tcode. CALL FUNCTION 'BDC_INSERT' EXPORTING tcode = tcode * POST_LOCAL = NOVBLOCAL * PRINTING = NOPRINT TABLES dynprotab = bdc_tab EXCEPTIONS internal_error = 1 not_open = 2 queue_error = 3 tcode_invalid = 4 printing_invalid = 5 posting_invalid = 6 OTHERS = 7. ENDFORM.
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